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Ekaterina Mironova


It were borne on 3 October, 1967, in Moscow. Before the entering in 1977 into the Moscow choreographic school (now Moscow state academy of choreography) it studied by figure skating the sport school OF THE TSSKA (CENTRAL SPORTS CLUB OF THE ARMY). In 1985 graduated from the school (Nina chistovoy‘s class) and she became the artiste of the mimic ensemble of the Bolshoi theater.
In the plays of the Bolshoi theater it carried out the following parties: the formation Of dul‘sinei ("the knight of sad means" to R. Strauss‘s music in setting Of a. Petrov) of the nymph (choreographic scene in the opera Of "ifigeniya in Avlide" to V. Gluck, A. Petrov‘s choreography) of solo (picture "Polish ball" in the opera "life for the tsar" M. glinkya, B. myagkov‘s choreography) melon Private, gypsy (N. rimskogo-Korsakov‘s -Korsakova opera- ballet "Mlada", A. Petrov‘s choreography) the reflection Of shemakhanskoy tsarina ("gold cockerel" N. Roman -Korsakova, M. kislyarov‘s choreography) goddess Asia, star ("night before Christmas" N. Roman -Korsakova, A. Petrov‘s choreography) and others
Repeatedly it participated in different concerts, where fulfilled gipsy dance from the ballet the "Don Quixote" L. minkusa (K. goleyzovskiy‘s choreography), Spanish dance from the ballet the "swan lake" Of p. Tschaikovsky (S. koren‘s choreography), concert number "Russian" to the music Of p. Tschaikovsky, and also other parties and solo numbers.
In 1996 it came out by the producer of the tours of the group of soloists and artists of the ballet of the Bolshoi theater in Greece, Yugoslavia and Spain. In 2000-2004 learned in the institute of Russian theater a specialty "pedagogy of choreography" (Natalie zolotovoy‘s class). In 2002 it is assigned to the post of the manager by the mimic ensemble of the Bolshoi theater.
It participated in the projects, which passed on the basic and new scenes of the Bolshoi theater: October of 2002. - the editor- ballet master of the solemn evening of the ministry of economic development and trade RF; February of 2004. - the producer-director (together with Nataliya krasnoyarskoy) of gala- concert and ceremony of the rewarding of the prize of the journal "ballet"; April of 2004. - the ballet master of the solemn ceremony of the presentation to national theatrical reward "gold mask"; September of 2004. - the producer-director (together with Nataliya krasnoyarskoy) of the solemn evening, dedicated TO THE XVIII Moscow international book exhibition- fair; November of 2004. - the producer-director (together with Nataliya krasnoyarskoy) of the ceremony of rewarding and gala- concert of reward "Business- Olympus".
In the season of Bolshoi theater 2004/05 participates in the settings it leaned "lady Macbeth Mtsenskogo district" D. Shostakovic (director on the plastic) and "fal‘staf" G. Verdi (khoreograf on transfer and adaptation of original choreography), in season 2005/06 - in setting of opera "war and the peace" (xoreograf- producer).

Main Stage 1 Teatralnaya ploschad (1 Theatre Square), Moscow, Russia
New Stage Bol'shaya Dmitrovka Street, 4/2, Moscow, Russia
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