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New Stage

20 January
2018 | Saturday
Sergei Prokofiev "Romeo and Juliet" (ballet in 3 acts)
Ballet in 2 acts
Artists Credits
Ballet company
Valentin Elizariev, Author libretto
Jannifer Tipton, Lighting Designer
Richard Hudson, Set Designer
Premiere of this production: 22 Nov 2017

The performance has 2 intermissions
Running time: 3 hours

Libretto by Adrian Piotrovsky, Sergei Radlov, Sergei Prokofiev after the tragedy of the same name by William Shakespeare.


Act I 

Scene 1  
Morning in the Italian Renaissance city of Verona. Romeo, of the Montague family, greets the awakening day. As the city comes to life, Romeo is joined by two friends, Mercutio and Benvolio, and the market square is soon filled with people. The bitter enmity between the Montague and Capulet families emerges with the arrival of Tybalt, a Capulet. Innocuous teasing escalates into swordplay as Tybalt fights with Benvolio and Mercutio. 
Lord and Lady Capulet and Lord and Lady Montague enter. There is a brief lull in the fighting but soon Capulet and Montague take up swords themselves. The Duke of Verona enters with his guards and intervenes, chastening all of the combatants. The crowd parts, revealing the bodies of two dead young men. 

Scene 2 
In her bedroom, Juliet, the daughter of Lord and Lady Capulet, plays affectionately with her Nurse as she prepares for a ball. Her mother enters and tells her of Paris, an aristocratic suitor, whom they expect Juliet to marry. Her father enters with Paris. Juliet is uncertain about the arrangement but she receives Paris graciously. 

Scene 3 
A lavish ball at the Capulet home. Juliet is being displayed by her father for the assembled guests. Disguised by masks, Romeo, Mercutio and Benvolio slip unannounced into the ball. When Romeo sees Juliet, he is immediately lovestruck. After Juliet dances with Paris, Romeo approaches her and professes his feelings. Juliet immediately falls in love. Tybalt, Juliet’s cousin, suspects the interloper and unmasks him, revealing his true identity. Enraged at Romeo’s effrontery, the hotheaded Tybalt demands revenge but he is stopped by Lord Capulet. As the guests depart, Tybalt warns Juliet to stay away from Romeo. 

Scene 4 
Later that night, Romeo waits beneath Juliet’s balcony. When she appears at her window he makes his presence known. Juliet comes down to him and, despite the danger of their situation which has now become all too clear to both, they pledge their love to each other. 

Act II 
Scene 1
In the market square, Romeo, delirious with love, is gently mocked by Mercutio and Benvolio. Juliet’s Nurse arrives, bearing a letter to Romeo from Juliet, agreeing to secretly marry him. Romeo is overjoyed. 

Scene 2 
As planned, Romeo and Juliet meet with Friar Laurence, who has offered to marry them despite the risk, in the hope that it might bring peace to the warring families. He performs the ceremony and the two young lovers are wed. 

Scene 3 
In the market square, Mercutio and Benvolio encounter Tybalt. Mercutio taunts Tybalt. Romeo enters. Tybalt challenges Romeo to a swordfight but Romeo refuses. Mercutio is less reluctant and, after an exchange of insults, he and Tybalt cross swords and fight. Romeo seeks to intervene and stop them but inadvertently abets Mercutio’s death. A griefstricken and guiltridden Romeo takes up a sword and fights Tybalt, killing him. Lord and Lady Capulet enter, distraught to find Tybalt dead. The Duke arrives and as his guards bear away the bodies of Tybalt and Mercutio, he angrily banishes Romeo, who flees. 

Act III 
Scene 1
Juliet’s bedroom at dawn. Romeo, although banished, has stayed for his wedding night with Juliet. But now, however sorrowfully, Romeo must depart, before they are discovered. After Romeo has gone, Juliet’s parents enter with Paris and tell her that she is to marry him the following day. Juliet protests but her father brutally silences her. In despair, Juliet rushes off to seek help from Friar Laurence. 

Scene 2 
In his cell, Friar Laurence gives Juliet a vial containing a sleeping draught that will simulate death. He will send word of the plan to Romeo, who will return to rescue her from the family vault when she has awakened. 

Scene 3 
Juliet returns to her bedroom, where she pretends to bow to her parents’ will and marry Paris. Left alone, however, she takes the sleeping draught and falls into a death-like slumber on her bed. In the morning, Lord and Lady Capulet, Paris, the Nurse and several bridesmaids arrive to wake Juliet. The Nurse tries to rouse her but when she doesn’t respond, everyone believes she is dead. 

Scene 4
In the Capulet vault, Juliet lies still in her death-like sleep. Romeo enters, but not having received Friar Laurence’s message, believes Juliet is really dead. In despair, he drinks a lethal poison to join her in death. Before he dies, though, he sees Juliet awaken and he realizes the cruel extent of what has happened. When Romeo is dead, Juliet takes his knife and kills herself. The Montagues and Lord Capulet, the Duke, Friar Laurence and others enter to discover the terrible scene. Realizing the part their enmity has played in the tragedy, the Capulets and Montague are reconciled in their sorrow.


Romeo and Juliet is a ballet by Sergei Prokofiev based on William Shakespeare's play Romeo and Juliet. It is one of the most enduringly popular ballets. Music from the ballet was extracted by Prokofiev as three suites for orchestra and as a piano work.


Act l
Scene 1
A Square in Verona.
Brawl between the Montagues and Capulets.

Scene 2
A masked Romeo and Mercutio are on their way to the ball at the Capulets.

Scene 3
Juliet’s Room. Preparations for the ball.

Scene 4
Ball at the Capulets.

Scene 5
The Capulets’ Garden.
First Meeting between Romeo and Juliet.

Act ll
Scene 1
A Square in Verona. Carnival.
Meeting between Mercutio and Tybalt.

Scene 2
Friar Lawrence marries Romeo and Juliet in secret.

Scene 3
A Square in Verona.
Quarrel, ending in a duel, between Mercutio and Tybalt.
Death of Mercutio.
Romeo’s revenge and Tybalt’s death
Lament for the Dead.

Scene 4
Juliet’s Room.
The Lovers meet prior to their separation.
Paris woos Juliet.

Scene 5
Romeo’s despair in banishment.

Scene 6
Friar Lawrence gives Juliet an opiate.

Scene 7
Juliet’s Room.
Paris woos Juliet.
Juliet drinks the opiate.
Juliet’s vision.

Scene 8
The house of the Capulets.
Paris’ morning Serenade.
News of Juliet’s fictitious death.
The sad news puts an end to the wedding preparations.

Scene 9
The Capulet Vault Romeo’s despair.
Romeo bids farewell to Juliet.
Death of the Lovers.

Main Stage 1 Teatralnaya ploschad (1 Theatre Square), Moscow, Russia
New Stage Bol'shaya Dmitrovka Street, 4/2, Moscow, Russia
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