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- Yuri Posokhov
Yuri Posokhov
It were borne in Lugansk (Ukraine). In 1982 at the end of Moscow choreographic uchilishcha (now Moscow state academy of choreography), where it were occupied in the exhaust class in Peter drop, it was accepted in the ballet company of the Bolshoi theater.
For 10 years into its repertoire entered main parties in the ballets Of p. Tschaikovsky - "swan lake" (choreography Of a. gorskiy, M. petip, L. Ivanov in the editorial staff Of yu. grigorovich), the "latent beauty" (M. petip‘s choreography in the editorial staff Of yu. grigorovich) and "nut cracker" (Yu. grigorovich‘s choreography), the party of Albert in "zhizeli" Of a. Adam (choreography Of zh. koralli, Zh. perro, M. petip in the editorial staff Of yu. grigorovich), main party in the ballet "shopeniana" (M. Fokin‘s choreography), the party of Syrano de Bergerac ("Syrano de Bergerac" M. Constant in setting Of r. Petit), Romeo ("Romeos and Juliette" S. Prokofiev in setting Of yu. grigorovich) and others. It became the first ispolnitelem on the scene of the Bolshoi theater of title party in first ballet of George set here Balanchina - S. Prokofiev‘s ballet "bludnyy son".
In 1992 the contract with the royal Danish ballet signed, and in yr was invited carry out the party of prince dezire in the "latent beauty", set To khel‘gi Tomassonom, with the company the ballet of San Francisco. Since 1994 it is the premier of this company. In 1999 it organized the tours of the part of its dancers in Russia - tour it passed by the name "ballet without the boundaries".
From the end 1990- X actively it works as khoreograf.
Among its works: "Spanish songs" (1997, number it is set for primy of the ballet of San Francisco Muriel maffr); "duet for two" (1997, postavlen for Dzhoanny Bermann); "Impromptu" to the music A. skryabina (1997, is set for To felipe of Dias; number was shown at the international competition in Dzheksone).
In 2002 it placed ballet "cursed" on the motives of the tragedy Of evripida Of "medeya". This play was included in the gastrol‘nyy stage of theater and shown on the scene New York Siti center.
In 2003 became co-author Khel‘gi Of tomassona in postanovke of full-length ballet the "Don Kikhot" L. minkusa, subsequently represented in Los Angeles.
In 2004 placed the ballet Of "shtudii in the motion" on A. skryabin‘s music, also, for the company the ballet of Oregon I. stravinskiy‘s "firebird", afterward the premiers of that invited it to continue collaboration.
"magrittomaniya" it was created in ramkakh of the project of the ballet of San Francisco Of "otkrytiya" (2000), in 2001 staffs was honored for this setting of the reward Of aysedory Duncan, by the sentenced criticism for purposes of the encouragement of the ballet companies of West California.